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A Space Exodus

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A Space Exodus

A Space Exodus quirkily sets up an adapted stretch of Stanley Kubrick's Space Odyssey in a Middle Eastern political context. The recognisable music scores of the 1968 science fiction film are changed to arabesque chords matching the surreal visuals of Sansour's film.
The film follows the artist herself onto a phantasmagoric journey through the universe echoing Stanley Kubrick's thematic concerns for human evolution, progress and technology. However, in her film, Sansour posits the idea of a first Palestinian into space, and, referencing Armstrong's moon landing, she interprets this theoretical gesture as "a small step for a Palestinian, a giant leap for mankind".

short Sci-fi, Larissa Sansour, Palestine/DK 2008, 5 min, English

screenings | film-maker Larissa Sansour | Larisa Sansour's Sci-Fi Trilogy

watch with library card at kanopy | VOD at sooner

To acquire the rights for classroom screenings or libraries, please place your request here.

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