film-maker Tamer El Said
In 2007 he founded his own company Zero Production, an independent production company in Cairo. Zero Production supports independent filmmakers in Cairo and the region whether directly producing, lending equipment or offering work space. El Said set up, with Khalid Abdalla and others, Cimatheque, an alternative film centre that offers services and space to help develop and incubate the independent film movement in Cairo through building networks, sharing resources and building an infrastructure for the alternative film platform.
In the Last Days of the City, 119, 2016
On a Monday, Fiction, 8 min, 2004
Take Me, Documentary, 52 min, 2004
Music of the nets, Documentary, 26 min, 2000
Crisscross, Fiction, 20 min, 1998
Like a feather, Fiction, 12 min, 1996
Charlie, Fiction, 8 min, 1995
18 September, 12 min, 1994