The international Short film competition, of the "Leopards of Tomorrow", of the 58th Locarno International Film Festival
International Competition of Clermont-Ferrand Film Festival
International Competition of Aspen Short Film Festival
Sakia Festival for Short Feature Films Cairo
Special screening at Emirates Film Competition
3rd Independent Film Encounter Russian Cultural Center Cairo
11th National Film Festival for the Egyptian Cinema
Arab Cinema Film Festival Zurich
5th Arab Film Festival Rotterdam
33rd Festival of Nations Ebensee
2nd Al-Fayoum Short Film Festival
11th Aye Aye Film Festival Nancy
56th International Short Film Festival, Montecatini Terme Italy
22nd Kelibia International Independent Film Festival
9th Ismailia International Film Festival for Documentary and Short Films
The official competition of the Mediterranean 3rd Short Film Festival Tangier
Iraq Short Film Festival
CinemaEast Film Festival New York
12th Regensburg Short Film Week,
Special screening in Kerla Film Festival
8th Arab Cinema Biannual in Paris
Tashweesh Festival on feminism in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe (Brussels, Tunis, Cairo, Beirut)
Special Jury award at Sakia Festival for Short Feature Films, Cairo 2005
Best short film award at 11th National Film Festival for the Egyptian Cinema, Cairo 2005
Silver Hawk for the short fictions at 5th Arab Film Festival, Rotterdam 2005
Best short film award at 2nd Al-Fayoum Short Film Festival, Egypt 2005
Ebenseer Bear in Silver award at 33rd Festival of Nations, Austria, 2005
Special Jury award at the Mediterranean 3rd Short Film Festival, Tangier, Morocco, 2005