from the press 1993 / newer texts
From the Press 1993
Strikingly staged but largely impenetrable, this Syrian feature (the first to be presented in the NYFF) is a subjective, episodic, highly stylized account of a half-century of conflict in the modest. (Daily News, October, 1st 1993)
Rightly the main award of the festival was given to the Syrian film AL LEIL by Mohamad Malas. (NZZ)
From the interwoven layers of time extremely deep images, which also visually always symbolize a clear view to something else, unearth details of a much more complex biography in which the history from below irrefutable unmasks the history from above as well as the individual and national life lies. (Film Dienst)
World cinema. The 10 best ... The 10 best Arab films The Guardian, 6 July 2013
The Night (Al-Lail) Mohammad Malas, 1993
source: The Guardian
This Dream we call Cinema - by Zachary Najarian-Najafi for cinephildreams.blogspot on June 13, 2014
Al-lail (1992) aka The Night
source: cinephildreams