A World Not Ours
عالم ليس لنا
A World Not Ours ('Aalam Laysa Lana)
A World Not Ours is an intimate, humorous portrait of three generations in exile in the refugee camp of Ein el-Helweh in southern Lebanon. Based on a wealth of personal recordings, family archives, and historical footage, the film is a sensitive and illuminating study of belonging, friendship and family. Filmed over more than 20 years by multiple generations of the same family, A World Not Ours is more than just a family portrait; it is an attempt to record what is being forgotten, and mark what should not be erased from collective memory.
documentary, Mahdi Fleifel, GB/LB/UAE 2012, 93 min, DCP, Arabic/English with German ST
Script Mahdi Fleifel | Production Patrick Campbell, Mahdi Fleifel | Camera Mahdi Fleifel | Editing Michael Aaglund | Music Jon Opstad
From the Press
A doc that flips storytelling and Mideast-Arab cliches on their heads, while weaving an irresistible mood of amused melancholy. (Variety)
A very watchable study of a stateless community, subsisting on dreams and memories of a lost homeland, and a generation of young men who have no prospects, sometimes drawn to jihadism out of sheer personal frustration; yet they are often quite as critical of the Palestinian leadership as everything else. (The Guardian)